Gemmotherapy Ligustrum vulgare (Privet)

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Latest Edit: Iva Lloyd, ND 2014-02-22 (EDT)

See Also Gemmotherapy

Ligustrum vulgare or Privet, is a plant that grows wild in Europe and North Africa. It is a shrub that can grow from one to four meters high, with straight branches that are dense, gray, marked with a few warty spots. This shrub likes ventilated areas, growing in open woods, willow plantation, thickets on edges, in hedgerows, and preferably on dry soils. Its fragrant white flowers grow in clusters, while its black berries remain attached to the shrub for the entire winter.[1]

Key notes

  • Drainage remedy of the skin, mucous membranes and kidneys[2]
  • Chronic intestinal problems

Therapeutic actions

  • Facilitates the oxygenation of blood. Contributes to smoking cessation and decreases the side effects of tobacco in particular arteriosclerosis
  • Decreases cholesterol and is indicated for hyperlipemia and arteriosclerosis
  • Indicated for arthritis, in particular for joint fatigue of the lower limbs, specifically the knee and the ankle. Contributes to reducing lymphatic edema

Clinical indications


  1. Ledoux Frank and Gueniot Gerard (2012) Phytembryotherapy: The Embryo of Gemmotherapy, Editions Amyris, Spain.
  2. Dr. Reckeweg (2012) Product Catalog, Bio Lonreco. Quebec.