Benefits of Urine Tests

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Latest Edit: Iva 2012-08-31 (EDT)

See also Benefits of Saliva Tests
See also Benefits of Blood Tests

Urine is derived from the filteration of blood via the kidneys. Urine is nearly all water, with a small percentage being the solutes or end products or metabolism. All metabolic end products and all potentially harmful materials are excreted in the urine to maintain normal acid-base, fluid and electrolyte balance, and homeostasis. If the kidneys are functioning optimally, the urine and the blood results will be similar. Urine tests are used primarily to diagnose or monitor renal or urinary tract disease or to detect metabolic or system diseases not related to the kidneys.[1]

Urinalysis is preferred as the method of assessment under the following circumstance:[1]

  1. Idenfication of Urinary Tract Infection requires a urine test.
  2. Urine testing is quick and efficient way to monitor certain disease conditions or to screen for the potential of disease conditions.
  3. A 24-hour urine collection is a more accurate measurement of homestasis than a random single-point blood specimen.
  4. Some products are rapdily cleared by the kidneys and are more accurately measured in urine.
  5. If renal clearance is impacted, than a urine specimen can provide additional information.
  6. Urine testing is less invasive and is an easy test to perform.
  7. Urine testing is often cheaper than blood tests.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Pagana Kathleen, Pagana Timothy 1998 Mosby's Manual of Diagnostic and Laboratory Tests Mosby