Complex Homeopathy

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Latest Edit: Hector 2014-03-13 (EDT)

See Also Naturopathic Therapies
See Also Homeopathic Medicine

Complex homeopathy, also known as polycrest remedies, refers to the practice of medicine using several different substances in a single dosage form prepared according to international homeopathic pharmacopeia standards and good manufacturing practices.

What They Contain

  • Usually complex homeopathics contain mixtures of plant parts, minerals, vitamins and animal extracts
  • They can also include low concentrations of cytokines and synthetic pharmaceutical drugs.
  • They might contain only one ingredient but in different concentrations.
  • They are commonly made up of low dosages of homeopathics.

Forms of Complex Homeopathics

  • drop dosages
  • tablets
  • nasal sprays
  • suppositories
  • injectables.

History of Complex Homeopathics

  • The use of multicomponent medications was developed as a method to address the complexity of disease processes. It also helped facilitate the selection of the most pertinent remedy for the presenting illness. For example, in classical homeopathy, a single remedy is chosen based on the totality of the individual patients symptoms. This level of individualization can have profound results but makes it more challenging, and therefore, often more time consuming to determine the correct remedy. In contrast, in complex homeopathy, each medication was developed to contain a mixture of substances selected to target the most common signs and symptoms of unique diseases.
  • Doctors who practice complex homeopathy usually rely on currently recognized and validated mainstream medical diagnostic criteria to determine a medical diagnosis prior to selecting the most appropriate medication. This type of prescribing reduces the level of individualization possible but greatly expedites the selection of an appropriate medication. Furthermore, it is more in alignment with advancements in science and medicine that demonstrate the value of using medications with multiple targets to address more than one contributing factor of disease pathology simultaneously.
  • In complex homeopathy most commonly the substances although in low dilution are still within the molecular range (i.e. nanogram to milligram concentrations) and therefore, retain some physical substance with which to trigger the appropriate physiological process. This is in contrast to many medications of classical homeopathy that in their final dilution are beyond Avogadro’s number and therefore, no longer theoretically contain any of the original substance. This means that in classical homeopathy the remedies are chosen based primarily on the similimum principle of Hahneman with the vital force being considered as responsible for restoring homeostasis. However, in complex homeopathy, because physical substance still remains, the restoration of autoregulatory processes is considered as due to the triggering of physiological processes through the use of low concentrations. This is in alignment with current scientific evidence demonstrating that low concentrations of substances, within the same range as those contained within complex homeopathic medications, are needed to trigger immune system tolerance as well as resolution of inflammatory processes.

