Gemmotherapy Aesculus hippocastanum (Horse chestnut)

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Latest Edit: Iva Lloyd, ND 2014-02-22 (EDT)

Horse chestnut.jpg
See Also Gemmotherapy
See Also Botanical Aesculus hippocastanum

Aesculus hippocastanum, or Horse chestnut is a plant native to Greece and Albania. It prefers dry and fresh land, but can easily tolerate the embankments of the cities. Horse chestnut grows rapidly to reach thirty metres high, with large conical and viscous buds formed of red-brown scales trapping a woolly undercoat.[1]

Key notes

  • Portal circulation/ portal congestion[2]
  • Drainage of the venous system, especially lower extremities

Therapeutic actions

  • Venous remedy which has Anti-inflammatory properties through its action on easing venous congestion. It also eases breathing (possibly due to its action of removing venous congestion)

Clinical indications

  • Recommended for broken capillaries, spider veins, telangiectasia, blotched face and periulcerous erythema.
  • Vericose ulcers, particularly for hemorrhoids, acute hemorrhoidal thrombosis
  • Acne Rosacea
  • Facilitates breathing and is indicated in emphysema, pulmonary insufficiency, dilation of the bronchus, chronic asthma, shortness of breath, and disturbances of venous flow


  1. Ledoux, Frank and Gueniot, Gerard.(2012)Phytembryotherapy: The Embryo of Gemmotherapy, Editions Amyris. Spain.
  2. Dr. Reckeweg (2012)Product Catalog, Bio Lonreco. Quebec.