Homeopathic Drosera

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Latest Edit: Hector 2014-03-18 (EDT)

See Also Homeopathic Monographs

Dosera is predominantly a cough remedy and is well-known for its treatment of coughs, including whooping cough(pertussis).[1]


  • Plant: Drosera rotundifolia, also known as Sundew
  • Short Form: Dros


The following are the main indications for Drosera.[2], [3]

Acute Conditions

  • Cough with violent repetative and spasmodic coughing which is deep and barking. Episodes lasting 2-3 hours and follow each other rapidly. Retching at end of cough; vomits water, mucous, food. Violent fits of coughing with choking. Suffocative attacks. Cough from a tickle in the throat that feels like a crumb or feather. Hahnemann names this remedy the principle remedy for whooping cough; also for croup. Hold sides during cough. Nosebleeds, cold sweats, hoarseness. Worse when alone.

Other common conditions: Bronchitis, Croup, Pertussis, Tuberculosis


  • Worse: lying down (as soon as the head hits the pillow), after midnight, talking
  • Better: pressure, open air
  • Psychological: becomes easily angered, may feel harassed or persecuted, suspicious, paranoid, under attack or attacking first

Prescribing Considerations

Homeopathic remedies are prescribed based on homeopathic principles and after a detailed case taking. The prescription recommendations below are provided only as a guide. It is always recommended to consult with a naturopathic doctor or homeopathic practitioner prior to taking any homeopathic remedies, especially if your health is compromised or if your symptoms due to resolve in a timely fashion. The general recommendations for Drosera include:[4]

  • Antidote: Camphor
  • Compare: Fluoroform (2% watery solution, 2-4 drops after paraoxysms considered specific for whooping cough), Ouabain from leaves of Carissa schimperi - arrow poison (Respiratory spasm- whooping cough is cut short in first stage and reduced in frequency of attacks and hastens convalescence), Chelidonium, Cuprum, Castanea, Argentum, Menyanthes


  1. Morrison Roger (1993) Desktop Guide, to Keynote and Confirmatory Symptoms Hahnmann Clinic Publishing.
  2. Hershoff Asa (2000) Homeopathic Remedies, A Quick and Easy Guide to Common Disorders and their Homeopathic Treatments Avery Publishing Group, New York.
  3. Ullman Robert, Reichenberg-Ullman Judyth (1997) Homeopathic Self-Care, the quick and easy guide for the whole family. Prima Publishing.
  4. Boericke W (1997) Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica and Repertory, a Chapter on Rare and Uncommon Remedies, B. Jain Publishers, India.