Traditional Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture

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Latest Edit: Hector 2014-03-12 (EDT)

See Also Naturopathic Therapies
Acupuncture front.jpg

Most naturopathic doctors in North America are trained in the practice of acupuncture, the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and to varying degrees in the use of eastern botanicals.[1]

Article A TCM Perspective on Identifying the Root Cause of Disease, Vital Link; 2008 Fall


Traditional Chinese Medicine is a holistic system of medicine that has been part of the Chinese culture for over 3000 years. In Chinese Medicine human beings are perceived as a microcosm of the universe that surrounds them. Optimizing human life by preserving the conditions within which it thrives is a the purpose of Chinese Medicine.[2].

Principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine

The philosophies and principles of Chinese Medicine explain how the body works as an integrated system. There is a recognition that the accumulation and balance of the attributes within an individual (Yin-Yang, heat-cold, blood-Qi) determine a person's internal climate, and therefore their health or disease. The fundamental principles of TCM include:


Acupuncture needling.jpg

The principles and thory underlying the techniques of acupuncture date to the ancient times of the great Yellow Emperor, Huangdi (~2698-2598 BC).[3]

TCM Research

Large research academics, the largest being the China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Beijing, and various universities and schools of TCM, have created a huge research culture in China. The primary focus of the research has been on chinese herbs, but there is also a tremendous amount of research describing the mechanism and benefits of acupunture.[4]


  1. Lloyd (2009) The History of Naturopathic Medicine, a Canadian perspective. McArthur & Company, Toronto.
  2. Beinfield H, Korngold E 1991 Between Heaven and Earth, a guide to Chinese Medicine. Ballatine, New York
  3. Beijing Medical College. Dictionary of traditional Chinese medicine. Hong Kong: The CommercialPress. (1984): p342 In Nolting M Harrison Acupuncture. In Philosophy of naturopathic medicine In Pizzorno Joseph E and Murray Michael T (1999) Textbook of Natural Medicine, Second Edition Churchill Livingstone.
  4. Nolting M Harrison Acupuncture. In Philosophy of naturopathic medicine In Pizzorno Joseph E and Murray Michael T. (1999) Textbook of Natural Medicine, Second Edition Churchill Livingstone