Deep Immunity

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Author: Godfrey Anthony
Published: January 2010
Publisher: Word Alive Press
Number of pages: 136
To order: [1]

Product Description:

The immune system is a complex and multifaceted aspect of our human nature. Immunity goes beyond simply a resistance to certain illnesses. It embraces not only the physical, but also the psychological and spiritual realities of our human make-up. In this short work, Dr. Anthony Godfrey offers a clear and fascinating explanation of the mechanisms of the deep immune system - highlighting the essential role it plays in healthful living. As we come to a deeper appreciation for the inner workings and nature of the human immune system as a whole, we gain the ability to direct it towards a fruitful life of wellness - a life built upon the foundations of Deep Immunity.

About the Author:

A renowned practitioner of naturopathic medicine, Dr. Anthony Godfrey enjoys a distinguished and wide-ranging background. Having begun his career as a veterinarian surgeon, he holds a doctorate in human anatomy from U.C.L.A., followed by advanced research in biology at Harvard. Presently he operates a highly-regarded family practice in Toronto, as well as teaching at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine