Homeopathic Aconitum napellus
See Also | Homeopathic Monographs |
Aconite is commonly used for acute conditions arising from shock and exposure. It can, however, be quite effective in chronic psychological conditions such as deep phobic states, panic disorders and anxiety neurosis.[1]
- Plant: Aconitum napellus, also known as Monkshood.
- Other names: Aconitum
- Short Form: Acon
The following are the main indications for Aconite.[2], [3]
- Anxiety which comes on suddenly and with great intensity. Anxiety is associated with restless, anguish and fear of death and sudden intense panic attacks. Hyperventilates, tingling or numbness, burning pains, palpitations, faintness.
- Fever asociated with sudden high fever, first stages of cold from drafts, chilling, shock, fright. Burning hot, dry and hot throat, stuffed up nose.
- Laryngitis associated with sudden onset of hoarseness, husky, crowing or squeaking voice, sore throat.
- Cold and Flus associated with first stage of symptoms that come on suddenly and violently, often with a fever and croupy cough. One cheek is often red, the other pale or both cheeks hot and red. Intense burning thirst for cold drinks.
Other common conditions: dizziness, ear infections, fainting.
- Triggers: fright or shock, accidents, injury, earthquakes, seeing death or evil, fevers. Ailments from dry, cold wind and/or very hot weather.
- General: sudden onset, restless, dry and burning symptoms, anxiety and fears
- Worse: at twilight, midnight, cold air or winds, music and touch.
- Better: open air, rest.
- Psychological: anxiety, excess fears about minor illness or of dying, fear of crowds, being alone, narrow spaces, outdoors and flying.
- Other symptoms: burning hot, dryness, throbbing head, choking with swallowing, trembling and tingling, profuse perspiration, palpitations and rapid pulse
- Food and drink: intense burning thirst for cold drinks, everything tastes bitter except for water.
Prescribing Considerations
Homeopathic remedies are prescribed based on homeopathic principles and after a detailed case taking. The prescription recommendations below are provided only as a guide. It is always recommended to consult with a naturopathic doctor or homeopathic practitioner prior to taking any homeopathic remedies, especially if your health is compromised or if your symptoms due to resolve in a timely fashion. The general recommendations for Aconite include:[4]
- Aconite is used both in acute and chronic conditions
- lower potencies for sensory affections
- often repeated frequently in acute diseases
- typically works rapidly
- prescribed based on the susceptibility of the person
- ↑ Morrison Roger (1993) Desktop Guide, to Keynote and Confirmatory Symptoms Hahnmann Clinic Publishing.
- ↑ Hershoff Asa (2000) Homeopathic Remedies, A Quick and Easy Guide to Common Disorders and their Homeopathic Treatments. Avery Publishing Group, New York.
- ↑ Ullman Robert, Reichenberg-Ullman Judyth (1997) Homeopathic Self-Care, the quick and easy guide for the whole family, Prima Publishing.
- ↑ Boericke W (1996) Pocket Manual of Hemoeopathic Materia Medica and Repertory, a Chapter on Rare and Uncommon Remedies, B. Jain Publishers, India.