Clinical Purification: A Complete Treatment and Reference Manual
- Author: Gina L. Nick
- Published: September 2001
- Publisher: Longevity Through Prevention
- Number of pages: 403 pages
- To Order: [1]
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From the Author
As a Naturopathic Physician, I have been exposed to a variety of dynamic healing protocols that include the use of nutrition, homeopathy, exercise, herbs, acupuncture, manipulation, pharmaceutical agents, emotional clearing, hydrotherapy, and surgery. By far, the most intriguing healing modality that I have encountered, both as a patient and as a physician, is the dynamic process of cleansing toxins from one’s system primarily through the use of whole foods and herbs; the process of Clinical Purificationä. I believe that Clinical Purificationä is a key to the prevention and treatment of the majority of health-related challenges that we face today, whether the cause of the challenge is spiritual, mental, emotional or physical.
This book embodies the results of nine years of exploration, as a researcher and as a clinician, into the area of detoxification. The result of this research serves to scientifically define, validate, and teach the complete process of cleansing toxins from one’s body, primarily through the use of whole unadulterated foods and herbs. I wrote this book because I saw the need for a well-documented source of information that teaches the countless benefits of a structured purification program that works. By discovering the interconnections between toxins, lifestyle, the foods that we eat and health, I hope that this work serves to convey to you the innumerable benefits of learning, practicing and teaching the Clinical Purification Process.
I believe that the practice of effectively and safely cleansing toxins from one’s body is a key to health and longevity, a secret so to speak, that has been well kept. Moreover, aside from the power of Love, there are few notions about healing the body that I know of that can have such a profound positive impact on one’s journey through life.
About the author:
Dr. Gina L. Nick, NMD, PhD maintains an exclusive private practice in Orange County, CA and is President of the California Naturopathic Doctors Association. Dr. Nick is a member of the American College for the Advancement of Medicine, the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians, and the California Naturopathic Doctors Association. She serves on the Scientific Review Board for the International Association of Yoga Therapists