Latest Edit: Hector 2013-08-02 (EDT)
Over half of the deaths in North American can be contributed to heart and blood-vessel diseases. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is often associated with an unhealthy lifestyle factors and chronic stress, yet the contributing factors are complex and varied. Prevention is the primary goal.
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CVD Screening Tips, NDNR; 2012 November |
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Can Testosterone Therapy Benefit Hypogonadal Men with Cardiovascular Disease?, NDNR; 2012 November |
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A Whole-Foods Diet for Cardiovascular Disease, NDNR; 2012 October |
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A Long-Term Approach to Cardiovascular Disease, NDNR [1], 2011 October |
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Vascular compliance: An important cardiovascular disease risk factor, IHP, Feb/Mar 2011 |
Categories of Cardiovascular Disease
Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD) can be grouped into four categories: generalized cardiovascular disorders, diseases of the heart, peripheral vascular disorders and blood disorders.
Generalized Cardiovascular Disorders
Diseases of the Heart
Peripheral Vascular Disorders
Blood Disorders
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Orthomolecular Medicine and Heart Health: Unmasking the Magnesium Link to Multiple Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease, J Orthomolecular Med; 2013; Vol28(1) |
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Fish Oil and Cardiovascular Disease, NMJ, [2], 2012 July |
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Chocolate and Cardiovascular Disease , NDNR; 2010 October |
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Daily Dried Apples Improve Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Women , NMJ, ; February 2013[3] |