Homeopathic Phosphorus

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Latest Edit: Hector 2014-03-18 (EDT)

See Also Homeopathic Monographs

Homeopathic Phosphorus is an important polycrest remedy which is used in a number of acute and chronic conditions. The Phosphorus personality is typically out-going yet lacks boundaries between them self and others. Many of the symptoms associated with Phosphorus relate to this lack of boundary.[1]



The following are the main indications for Nux vomica.[2], [3]

Acute Conditions

  • Anxiety from fear of the dark, illness, death, being alone, robbers, ghosts, and monsters. Anxiety about the health of those that they care for and fear that something bad will happen. Easily reassured
  • Nosebleeds or (Epistaxis) which are spontaneous, when blowing nose, during headache, or menses.
  • Cough which is dry and tickling. Tightness and heaviness across the chest, burning and heat; becomes loose; mucus clear, or thick, yellow and purulent, or rusty and blood-coloured. Body trembles with each cough. Difficult breathing, but sit up with cough. Pain in larynx on coughing.
  • Croup with a hollow, hacking, or loose cough. Great hoarseness, painful larynx makes it difficult to speak. Constant clearing of throat. Suffocating feeling in larynx, trachea, and chest. Croup becomes chronic, keeps returning, or turns into bronchitis. Great weakness.
  • Gastritis with nausea and vomiting, better cold drinks but returns as soon as liquids become warm
  • Headache with increased appetite
  • Laryngitis with hoarseness and loss of voice. Sore, raw, burning larynx causes tickling cough. Talking causes intense stitching pain in trachea. Constriction. Expectorates thick mucous.

Chronic and Constitutional Conditions

  • Hemorrhage, bleeding and bruising easily. Slight wounds cause much bleeding. Slow bleeding. Blood is thin, bright red (arterial blood), clots slowly. Pale, bright red or dark blood. Bleeding from eyes, ears, lungs, stomach, intestines, anus. Bloody saliva, vomit, or stools. Bleeding gums.

Children and Adolescents [4]

  • Generally speaking, Phosphorus children are good-natured,happy trusting and expressive from birth. They typically are curious and sympathetic for others. They often dislike falling asleep alone; wake-up refreshed, though hungry; and toddlers awaken at night thirsty for a drink. They are typically fine skinned, fine featured, and thin.
  • Fear of the dark (sneaks into parent's bed at night), being alone, ghosts, and thunderstorms. They also sleepwalk and talk in their sleep.
  • Nosebleed or Epistaxis with bright red blood and profuse to the point of gushing. Adolescent girls have nosebleeds with menses.
  • Ear Infections (Otitis media) with very bloody discharge.
  • Colds and Flu leading to Cough, Bronchitis, and Pneumonia are all common. More serious infections occur in malnourished and thin Phosphorus children.
  • Sore Throat and Laryngitis with hoarseness and pain is aggravated by using their voice.
  • Diarrhea and vomiting from acute infections. Diarrhea often recurs and may last long after the illness is resolved. Diarrhea may also become chronic.

Other common conditions: Hoarseness, Heavy metal detox (arsenic), Stomach Ulcers, Vertigo


  • Triggers: disagreements or discord with other people
  • General: human barometer, sensitive and impressionable, outgoing and sympathetic towards others, desire for company (note: in later stages the reverse may be true), lack of boundaries, not centered or grounded, tendency to dehydration
  • Worse: fasting, spicy food, warm food or salt, lying on the left side, twilight, thunderstorms
  • Better: being around other people and being consolded, sleep, lying on the right side, eating
  • Psychological: outgoing, sympathetic and friendly, afraid of the dark, thunderstorms, and ghosts
  • Other symptoms: hypoglycemic, craves cold drinks but vomits them as soon as they become warm in the stomach; painless, watery, exhausting diarrhea, stomach pain relieved by cold drinks
  • Food and drink: very thirsty for cold and carbonated drinks, desire for chocolate, ice-cream, fish, and spicy foods

Prescribing Considerations

Homeopathic remedies are prescribed based on homeopathic principles and after a detailed case taking. The prescription recommendations below are provided only as a guide. It is always recommended to consult with a naturopathic doctor or homeopathic practitioner prior to taking any homeopathic remedies, especially if your health is compromised or if your symptoms do not resolve in a timely fashion. The general recommendations for Phosphorus include:[5]

  • Should not be given too low or too continuous doses. Especially in tuberculosis cases. It may act as Euthanasia here.
  • Complementary: Arsenicum album, Cepa, Lycopodium, Silica, Phosph. pentachloride (great soreness of mucous membranes of eyes and nose, throat and chest sore)
  • Incompatible: Causticum
  • Compare: Tuberculinum follows Phosphorus well and complements its action. Phosphorus hydrogenatus (crumbing teeth, hyperaesthesia, locomotor ataxia), Amphisbaena (right jaw swollen and painful, aching throughout lumbar region, worse mental and physical exertion), Calcarea carbonica, China, Antimonium, Sepia, Lycopodium, Sulphur.
  • Antidote: Turpentine and Potassium permang. (antidote to phosphorus poisoning), Nux vomica. Phosphorus antidotes the nausea and vomiting of chloroform and ether.


  1. Morrison Roger (1993) Desktop Guide, to Keynote and Confirmatory Symptoms Hahnmann Clinic Publishing
  2. Hershoff Asa (2000) Homeopathic Remedies, A Quick and Easy Guide to Common Disorders and their Homeopathic Treatments, Avery Publishing Group, New York.
  3. Ullman Robert, Reichenberg-Ullman Judyth (1997) Homeopathic Self-Care, the quick and easy guide for the whole family. Prima Publishing.
  4. Herscu Paul, 1991, The Homeopathic Treatment of Children, Pediatric Constitutional Types, North Atlantic Books
  5. Boericke W (1997) Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica and Repertory, a Chapter on Rare and Uncommon Remedies, B. Jain Publishers, India.