Ornish Diet

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Latest Edit: Hector 2014-03-13 (EDT)

See Also Naturopathic Therapies
See Also Clinical Nutrition

The Ornish Diet resembles a low fat, vegetarian or vegan diet. It was established by Dr. Dean Ornish, a professor of medicine at the University of California and founder of the Preventive Medicine Research Institute in 2007. The program designed by Dr. Ornish involved dietary and exercise changes.


The program involves three aspects:

  • Nutrition:
  • Food is categorized into five groups from most (group 1) to least (group 5) healthful. It’s the difference, for example, between whole-grain bread and biscuits, between soy hot dogs and pork or beef ones. Ask yourself what groups tend to fill up your grocery cart, and decide how you want to fill it up.
Potassium - a sufficient amount is important. Aim for 4,700 mg a day.
Calcium - aim for 1,000 to 1,300 mg a day, especially for women over the age of 50.
Vitamin B12 - aim for 2.4 micrograms a day.
Vitamin D - either get as a supplement or better still increase the time you spend outside.
  • Exercise:
  • The program emphasizes aerobic activities, resistance training, and flexibility
  • Deep breathing, meditation, and yoga are also encouraged.
  • Stress Reduction:
  • Spending time with those you love and respect, and leaning on them for support, can powerfully affect your health in good ways.


The Ornish Diet may be recommended to treat the following conditions:
