Homeopathic Nux vomica

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Latest Edit: Hector 2014-03-18 (EDT)

See Also Homeopathic Monographs

Homeopathic Nux vomica is typically associated with "type A personality". Impatience, competitiveness and overly ambitious are common characteristics. Many of the physical symptoms relate to the gastrointestinal tract.[1]


  • Plant: Strychnos nux vomica, also known as Quaker's Button or Poison Nut
  • Short Form: Nux-v


The following are the main indications for Nux vomica.[2], [3]

Acute Conditions

  • Spasms and Cramping especially associated with the gastrointestinal tract and brought on by emotional stress or overwork or over eating, alcohol or drug.
  • Headache from digestive upset, alcohol or drugs, anger, sleep loss, stress. Expanded feeling. Dull pressure. Faint, light-headed. Constipated.
  • Premenstrual Syndrome with irritability, cramping and spasms

Chronic or Constitutional Conditions

  • Constipation with frequent desire, much urging, straining and passing small quantities. Unfinished sensation. Feels better after stool. Long habit of taking laxatives. Constricted, spastic anus. Hard, dark stool. Alternates with diarrhea. Associated with Hemorrhoids, Headache, irritability, stomach upset.
  • Indigestion especially if ate or drank too much. Onset typically two hours after eating, food lies like a stone. Pains into back or chest. Heartburn, nausea but difficult to vomit or belch. Retching, short of breath. Bitter or acid reflux. Irritable
  • Insomnia from abuse of something including tobacco, rich food, alcohol, drugs, anger, business, worry</u>. Falls asleep in the early evening but wakes 3-4 A.M., falls into an anxious dreamy sleep at daybreak, from which it is hard to rise. Tired, weak. Highly irritable, driven, tense.
  • Low Back Pain, bruised, stitching pain. Muscle tension, cramping, and spasms. Drives out of bed at 4 A.M. Must sit up to turn over.
  • Stomach Ulcers, stomach irritation from excess food, alcohol, coffee, tobacco, drugs. Pressure, tension in pit of stomach, with pain between shoulder-blades. One or two hours after eating: heavy pressure, burning, dull, sleepy, depressed. Pains worse tight clothing Ulcer with gnawing or cramping pain. Irritable, driven, critical, stressed.

Other common conditions: Alcohol detox, Anger, Colds and Flu, Cramps, Drug detox (general antidote to all drugs), Food poisoning, Gall Bladder conditions, Hemorrhoids, Liver conditions, Mental Fatigue, Nausea, Tobacco detox, Vertigo


  • Triggers: overdoing it, mental work, over-study, stress, sedentary lifestyle, abuse of alcohol and drugs, eating too much
  • General: highly irritable and impatient, competitive, tendency to angry outbursts when contradicted, heightened sensitivity to light, noise, sound, and other stimuli, chilly
  • Worse: abuse of alcohol and drugs, eating too much food or excessively spicy food, mental exertion, early morning, cold/dry air
  • Better: discharges from the body, rest, warm applications or warm bath
  • Psychological: obsessed with business, wants to be the first and the best, competitive and hard-driving, Type A, easily offended, frustrated easily by little things
  • Other symptoms: nose is stuffed at night and when outside, sneezing and coryza worse in the morning, cystitis with constant urging for small amounts, vertigo
  • Food and drink: desire for spicy food, fat, coffee, alcohol, and tobacco

Prescribing Considerations

Homeopathic remedies are prescribed based on homeopathic principles and after a detailed case taking. The prescription recommendations below are provided only as a guide. It is always recommended to consult with a naturopathic doctor or homeopathic practitioner prior to taking any homeopathic remedies, especially if your health is compromised or if your symptoms do not resolve in a timely fashion. The general recommendations for Nux vomica include:[4]


  1. Morrison Roger (1993) Desktop Guide, to Keynote and Confirmatory Symptoms Hahnmann Clinic Publishing
  2. Hershoff Asa (2000) Homeopathic Remedies, A Quick and Easy Guide to Common Disorders and their Homeopathic Treatments, Avery Publishing Group, New York.
  3. Ullman Robert, Reichenberg-Ullman Judyth (1997) Homeopathic Self-Care, the quick and easy guide for the whole family. Prima Publishing.
  4. Boericke W (1997) Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica and Repertory, a Chapter on Rare and Uncommon Remedies, B. Jain Publishers, India.